(1, April) From the Devs’ Room

3 min readApr 1, 2024


Written by: Abelian Foundation

This blog post will provide announcements and insights on the updates and progress that has been made by the Abelian Foundation, and the technological advancements and upcoming changes to look forward to from the last week of March, 2024.


Strategic Optimization Advised in Abelian’s Mining Pools

There are 4 official pools, Alicia, Baker, Charlie and Dior, which can be found at the foundation’s official mining pool page. The 4 pools suppport Windows, Linux and Hive OS.

The Foundation’s tech team was reviewing the 4 pools with the aim at optimizing mining efficiency and maximizing miners’ rewards. In the past 7 days, Dior has mined 67 blocks, Baker 20 blocks while Alicia and Charlie combined have only mined 5 blocks. In other words, there was less than 6% being mined by Alicia and Charlie combined. This also means that the concentration of computational power was on Dior and Baker.

As a general property of POW mining, we know the more computational power a pool possesses, the higher the chance that the pool will mine a new block. Based on the observation above,

The team suggests that miners on Alicia and Charlie to consider moving over to connect their mining rigs to Baker or Dior.

We do suggest new miners or existing miners currently on Alicia and Charlie consider to connect to Baker. This will give a more balanced distribution of computational power between Baker and Dior.

Security Audit Completed by Hacken

Official partnership between the Abelian Foundation and Hacken

Another major milestone that the Foundation completed this week was the security audit. In the past 3 months, the tech team has been working together with the blockchain security auditing firm Hacken for conducting a thorough and professional exercise scrutinizing the source codes of the Abelian full nodes and wallets. Throughout the exercise, the source codes have been scanned not only using the most up-to-date cyber-attack scanning and verification tools, but has also been reviewed manually by Hacken’s cybersecurity experts.

Furthermore, the Foundation’s tech team has also been working with the Hacken team on reviewing the design of the Abelian Blockchain system. After going through all the in-depth investigation and review, the Hacken team has been able to identify a few security related items. The Foundation tech team has then followed up with the Hacken team and already got all the items resolved within the past 3 months. The collaboration has been synergetic and the security auditing was a big success.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank the Hacken team again for their professional and secure support to the Abelian.


New Mining Pool System in the works

The Foundation will continue ensuring the high availability of all the 4 official pools. In addition, the Foundation has begun developing a new official pool which is provisioned to support a lot more miners. It will be more stable with new powerful features, which can help miners manage their mining machines and mining reward payouts more easily.

Readers can find more on the details on the new mining pool in the FTDR post from March 25th.

About Abelian

Abelian is a quantum-resistant blockchain infrastructure which enables digital gold 2.0 and empowers the post-quantum crypto ecosystem. Learn more about the quantum-safe Abelian blockchain & $ABEL Tokenomics at our documentation page.

The Abelian Foundation welcomes all feedback regarding tech developments and upcoming changes. To join the conversation, please visit us on our various social media and community channels linked on our linktree👇





Written by Abelian

PQAbelian.io | linktr.ee/officialpqabelian | Post-Quantum Blockchain | Layer 1 | Multi-Level Privacy-Preserving | Quantum-Resistant Crypto Ecosystem

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